Chapter 1

Today was the day I finally could get home. The last two and a half weeks I was in a hospital. My mum, Victoria, my dad, Robert and me had a car accident. We wanted to visit my grandparents and on the way a drunken driver crashed into our car. Robert lost control and we crashed into a tree. We all got into the hospital. My mum was okay to go after two days, she just a few scratches and bruises. My dad a few broken ribs, but was okay as well. I on the other hand wasn't so lucky. I stayed unconscious for exactly five days, fourteen hours and eight minutes. My mum counted. I had a concussion, three almost broken ribs, and injured wrist and a lot of bruises. 
I waited in my hospital room for Robert and my mum. It was weird to call Robert my 'dad', even if he was my dad. The problem was, me and my mum thought he was dead. My mum always told me so and I couldn't remember him at all. But when I was four, my dad went on a business trip, he somehow got into a bar fight and went into a coma. Nobody knew who he was, he hadn't any papers on him and nobody searched for him in Ireland. He woke up two years ago. He needed money, but as soon as he got enough money for a flight home, he came back to us. It was like in a stupid TV-Show, really. He stood in front of our door, saw me, asked me what my name was and then told me he was my father. I laughed in his face, but when my mum saw him, she fainted on the spot. 
When she woke up, she ran to him, practically tackled him to the ground and kissed his whole face. They both laughed, hugged and kissed and I think they forget me for the moment. 
My dad came back into my life and it was really weird in the beginning. He slept for 12 years, the last time he saw me I was 3. Robert never heard of a cellphone before or a computer. It took a lot of time for him to fit into this new world and to get to know his wife all over again and to get to know his now grown up daughter. That was two years ago, and now we really were a happy family, but I still couldn't bring myself to call him dad. 
“Ready?”, my mum asked.
“Hell yeah!”, I exclaimed and ran to the door. I hated hospitals, everything was too white, too clean, too cold. Even the nurses were cold, inside and out. At least the ones I've met in the last few days. 
“Easy there, little girl”, Robert grinned. 
“I'm not little”, I pouted. 
“You will always be my little girl”, he laughed and slung an arm around my shoulders. He squeezed my shoulder lightly and buried my face in his shoulder. I missed my dad, even if I never actually had one, but there were times I really needed a dad. Every year I wrote a letter to him on his birthday, I told him about me, about my mum and about my friends, how much I missed him and how much I needed him.
“So how about ice cream to celebrate?”, my dad asked. 
“I love you!”, I shouted and bounced up and down like a little girl. Damn, I loved ice-cream!  Especially “Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough” and my dad knew this all too well. 
“And I'm nothing or what?”, my mum questioned and raised an eyebrow. She crossed her arms in front of her and tapped her foot. Robert and I turned around and looked her, not saying a word. 
“I'm waiting”, my mum whined. 
“Awww, come here Vicky”, my dad cooed and kissed her lips lovingly. 
“Gross”, I cried and hold my hands in front of my face. Trust me, I was more than happy for my mum to have my dad back, because everybody could tell how much they loved each other. But this didn't mean I wanted to see them kissing all the time. 
“What? You don't want a kiss from me?”, my dad faked hurt and put a hand over his heart with wide eyes. I laughed and shook my head grinning. Robert became an evil glint in his eyes scratched his chin. 
“Big mistake, little girl, big mistake”, he smirked and lunged at me. I squealed and ran away from him. 
“You will never get me alive!”, I shouted. While doing so I totally forgot we still were in a hospital. Every nurse 'Shhd!' me and gave me the evil-eye. Some patients I could see giggled or smiled and I could hear my dad laughing behind me and chasing me trough the halls. My mum didn't bother catching up. 

After we went to eat some ice-cream I was glad to finally be home again. I missed my room and the familiar smell that always hang in the air. As I walked through the front door I felt like I've been away for a year, not just two weeks. Of course everything looked the same, but still. 
My mum smiled at me and nodded, she knew I just wanted to go to my room and stay there for a little while to settle back in. Robert chuckled when I ran up the stairs and sprinted in to my room. As soon as I opened the door the smell of lilies hit me and I breathed it in. God, I love that my room smelled always like lilies. Just under my window, my mum planted a whole bunch of lilies, that explained why my room always smelled like lilies during spring and summer. 
I looked at my room and smiled. It wasn't big, but it was mine. I had a double king-size bed, a desk, a TV, a full length mirror and a big wardrobe, some shelves and a basket for trash and a basket for my dirty laundry. 
My walls were all white, but full of pictures, postcards or photos. But the photos I had on my walls, on my nightstand or my desk weren't one of my family or friends. My mum always said, you only needed photos of the ones you wanted to remember. So the only family pictures we had in our house were the ones of my mothers and fathers grandparents. At first I thought it was weird to have no pictures of us three or to have a picture of my friends in my room, but I soon found it quite good. It was right, why did I need a photo of my friends, when I saw them almost everyday? 
Of course I had pictures of them, I just put them into a photo album. I loved photo albums! I always wrote little notes under the photos or drew something in the corners. One of my best friends – Luna – loved to create photo albums. My first photo album actually was a present from her, for my birthday. She wrote little inside jokes under the pictures, drew little smiling faces or hearts or something similar. She was really talented when it came to drawing. 
After going around for a minute I just jumped onto my bed and smiled at the ceiling. This was what I needed, my room, my home. 
Suddenly there was a knock on my door. It was almost not audible, so I knew it was my mum, she thought I was sleeping, so she knocked really lightly. 
“Come in, mum”, I giggled. 
She opened the door and grinned at me. When I woke up my mum was at my side, sitting in a stool and reading a book. My dad by her side, holding her hand. They both looked like hell. My mum still had bags under her eyes and her hair seemed duller than usual. My mum actually was a beautiful woman, but she had stress lines and a few more gray hairs because of me. My mum had black hair, shiny and it reached just her shoulders. She had dark green eyes, a heart shaped face and plum lips. She was 5'8'' and had pale skin. She wasn't skinny, but she wasn't fat either, just normal. She was almost the opposite of my dad. Robert had dark blond hair, bright blue eyes, was very tanned, had a beard and was 6'3''. His was pretty muscular, but not too bulky. When he carried something, like a box full of my books (total of 57), he didn't even break a sweat. He looked like the box was full of feathers. 
“Hey sweetie”, my mum murmured. “You okay?”
“Of course I am, mum. Why wouldn't I be?”, I asked. Seriously, why was she so weird? She behaved like I was in a coma for a year and had several internal bleeding's or broken bones or something like that.
“Just asking”, she said shaking her head. “Do you want something to eat?” I frowned at her. “Mum, we just had ice-cream. Seriously, I'm fine. Don't worry.”
She didn't look convinced, but nodded and closed the door behind her. After she left I wondered what this was about, but I really couldn't think of a realistic solution. 
After almost four hours in my room, cleaning up, redecorating some things and dancing to some music, I wanted to leave my room. My mum and Robert were lunging on the couch looking some movie I didn't recognize. 
“Guys, I think I'm going out for a while”, I shouted from the door. 
“Okay sweetie, have fun”, my mum smiled. 
I smiled back, put my Chucks on, grabbed my bag and was out the door in seconds. It was weird, but I felt like I needed to clear my head. The sleeping for a week and just laying in a bed for another week, doing nothing was really boring and I wanted to use my legs a little. Where I was headed? No idea. I just thought about walking through the city and seeing where I would land. Maybe I would find something on my way that would catch my eye, maybe not.  
As I waked through the streets I watched people passing by, the cars in the street, little kids shouting for their parents to move faster. And I realized something: I was afraid. I was afraid of the cars that drove by. Some of them drove too fast, and took turn way to late, I could hear brakes squeaking and driver's shouting profanities at each other. My breathing became shallow and I stopped dead in my tracks when I came to a crossroad. 
When my parents picked me up from the hospital we took the subway and I was okay with that. It was pretty unrealistic that one subway would crash into another. Two cars? Not so much, especially driving like these people! 
I couldn't cross this road. Again and again I tried, but every time my foot should hit the concrete of the street, my foot wouldn't move. 
Sighing I turned around and looked for anywhere else to go. My eyes found a Starbucks, luckily on my side of the street, and I thought a hot coffee wouldn't hurt so I went in there. The smell of coffee beans engulfed me. Many people sat at the tables, talked and just chatted away. There was a small line at the counter, so I waited until it was my turn to order. The lady in front of me obviously had never been to Starbucks before, she asked about almost every drink they offered and took at least six to seven minutes. Okay, a few minutes aren't that long, but to order coffee? Way too long, if you ask me! As I finally got to order, my breath got stuck in my throat. My eyes went wide, I gulped loudly and I think if I didn't control my jaw fast enough, my jaw would have dropped. In front of me stood a guy, black hair with pink streaks, pink eyes, contacts obviously, a nose ring and Snake Bites. He actually looked kind of hot, but I didn't think he played for my team. 
“Hey gorgeous”, he smiled. “What can I get you?”
“I – I- I”, I stuttered and tried to clear my throat, so I could speak properly again. “I have no idea”, I breathed, when I could control my voice again. 
“No problem, gorgeous”, the boy smiled. “I will make you something.” He winked at me and then got to work. I shook my head, trying to solve my thoughts. It actually wasn't that surprising to see a guy like that, I mean we lived in the 21st Century! But still, the guy just shocked me, because I didn't thought someone like that wouldn't work in such a normal place like Starbucks, more like in a club or a bar. 
“Here you go”, the guy smiled and handed me a large cup. 
“I won't die if I drink this, right?”, I asked and looked sceptically at the blue powder on my cream. The guy in front of me laughed wholeheartedly and grinned at me, while shaking his head. “No, I like my job here and if I kill you, they might fire me.” He winked at me, and then went into a back room, leaving me there gaping at his back. 
Without really thinking about it I tasted my coffee, while searching for a place to sit. The coffee tasted surprisingly good, but not like coffee, not at all. It tasted weird, I never had something like this before, but it was good. My … drink was a milkshake, at least I think so, it had the consistence of one. It tasted like some fruits, chocolate, something creamy and something sour, like lime or anything. I really didn't know what I was drinking and what was in it, but it did taste good, so I didn't really care. On my table stood a little menu and I searched for my drink on it, but couldn't find it. I frowned, but let it slide.    
When I was finished, I stood up and put my glass away. As I went outside someone ran into me and I almost landed on my butt, but whoever I ran into put an arm around my waist and kept me upright. 
“Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!”, I gushed and looked up. In front of me was a boy. He looked amazing. His hair was a dark brown, almost black, he had dark eyes I could drown in, high cheekbones, full lips and a strong jawline. He was really tall, 6'5'' I think, maybe even 6'6'' and he looked like he did a lot of sports with a body as his. I could even feel that he had a six-pack under his shirt. 
“Saphira”, he grinned. “Where have you been? I've missed you!” He hugged me tight and laughed lightly in my hair. Instantly I tensed and my eyes bugged out of their sockets. What the hell? What was he doing?! Who the hell was he? Who was Saphira? Why did he call me that and why was he hugging me? 
The guy seemed to realize I wasn't going to hug him back, so he pulled away and looked at me. He frowned and put his hands on my upper arms. 
“Saphira, you okay?”, he asked concerned. He looked behind him, still frowning. Behind him stood two people, another boy and a girl. The boy had brown locks, that covered his whole forehead and eyebrows, the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen in my life and glasses. He wasn't as tall as the boy in front of me, but still as muscular. The girl had short, dark red hair – but I could see it wasn't her natural color -, green eyes and really pale skin. She was taller than me, but she wore 4inch heels, so I couldn't be sure if she was taller than me or if it was because of her heels. But I think without the shoes, she still would be a but taller than me, but not much. Both looked confused and looked at me like I was some science experiment.
“Don't touch me”, I said glaring at the boy in front of me and took a step back. “My name's not Saphira, so stop calling me it.”
The frown on the forehead of the boy deepened and he too, took a step back. His eyes looked a little hurt, but I didn't understand why. Hell, I didn't even know this guy and he behaved just so .. strange. When I looked at the other two behind him, they looked confused as well. 
“Would you mind?”, I asked and made a gesture with my hand to step out of my way, so I could leave. Under their stares I felt really uncomfortable and wanted to leave, really badly and as soon as possible. Out of nowhere the boy in front of me began laughing. I looked incredulously at him, as did his friends. This boy was out of his mind, maybe he was bipolar?
“Oh Saphira”, he laughed. “That was a good one, I almost believed you. But seriously, where have you been the past three weeks?”
“Stop calling me that!”, I shouted. I don't even now why I shouted at him, but this guy began to creep me out with this whole “Saphira” thing. The three people in front of me looked shocked, the stared at me like I've grown a second head. 
“I- I'm sorry, Aria”, the guy said. My eyes went wide at the mention of my name. How did he know my name? 
“How do you know my name?”, I asked still shocked. They guy again frowned, but now he became an angry glint in his eyes.
“Aria, I don't know what's wrong with you, if you're angry with me for whatever reason, but don't pretend like I don't know you. Seriously, you're pissing me off!”
“Ivan”, the girl tried to sooth him and put a hand on his forearm. “I think she really doesn't know who we are.” She looked curiously at me and seemed sad and confused. She looked hurt as well, but didn't show it as much as this Ivan guy. 
“What? Liz ,I'm her best friend, I know her since she is six years old, how could she not know who I am?!”, he almost growled at the girl. Liz didn't look scared, she didn't even seem affected by his angry behavior. She looked calm and collected.
“Look at her”, she just said. 
Ivan turned around and looked at me again. I had no idea what the two were talking about and it scared me, that they talked this nonsense about me. All I wanted to do at this moment was run! I wanted to run away as fast and as far away as I could. 
The brown haired boy took a step forward and looked intently at me and I involuntary flinched back. The boy seemed shocked and looked at me with big eyes.
“You just flinched”, he whispered, like he couldn't believe what he was saying. “You really are scared of us. You can't remember us.” It was a statement, he didn't ask, he just clarified for himself and he looked devastated about the fact that he was right.
“I have no idea who you are. Please, just let me go. Leave me alone”, I begged. Please, please, please, I chanted in my head. Please, just step out of the way, give me an opening so I can run! But the exact opposite happened. Ivan became a determined look in his eyes, he stepped in front of me and looked into my eyes. His eyes bore in to mine and I couldn't look away from him. 
“That necklace”, he said and pointed at my throat. “Do you remember who gave it to you?”
My eyebrows knitted together and I frowned at him. Why did he want to know? Why did he care? What would that prove? But I honestly didn't care anymore. 
“If I answer you, you have to let me go”, I begged again. 
“Promise”, he answered with a hurt look in his eyes. His eyes went softer and he gave me a small smile. “Please. Tell me who gave that necklace to you. Tell me if you can remember.”
Of course I could remember who gave it to me. When I was 15 years old and my dad, my mum and me were shopping, we went into a jewelry store. My dad was back for exactly two months now and we still tried to live with the situation at hand. Robert and me talked and behaved nice with each other, but we were too polite to each other if you asked me. This shopping trip was originally for him, to buy him new things and clothes. But when he saw the jewelry store, he wanted to buy something for my mother and me. We both didn't want him too, but he insisted. He bought a bracelet for my mum and a necklace for me. On the necklace was a single wing with little blue sapphires, real sapphires. When he gave it to me, he told me he picked this one, because I would always be his little angel, just without wings. He picked the sapphires because of our eyes. My eyes weren't as bright as his, but I had blue eyes as well and he told me that because of my eyes, everybody would know I was his daughter. I just smiled, thanked him and hugged him for my mums sake. It was a little weird for both of us, but my mum actually cried, so it was worth it. 
“I remember”, I nodded. Ivan smiled and his eyes brightened, but when I told him who gave it to me, his smile faded. He looked hurt and he looked angry. His breath became ragged and he looked ready to either burst into tears or to punch a wall. 
“Ivan?”, Liz asked a little unsure. She looked at him and I could see worry in her eyes, why? I had no idea. 
“Your father?”, Ivan asked again and looked hard into my eyes. I didn't trust my voice, so I just nodded my head. Ivan growled, turned away from me and stormed off. Liz and the other guy looked after him, but didn't move. I sighed in relief and went into the other direction, I was just glad that this crazy person was out of my way and I could get home! 
“Aria”, the boy called after me. 
My body went rigid and I stopped dead in my tracks, like a deer caught in the light. I didn't dare to turn around, but I waited for him to say whatever he had to say. 
“Ivan gave you that necklace”, the boy said. 

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