Chapter 2

“Mum! Robert!”, I shouted when I came home. “Mum? Where are you? Robert?” The house was silent and my parents didn't sit on the couch like before. It was almost eight o'clock and the car was still in the driveway, so they had to be home. 
“Garden, Honey!”, my mum finally answered. Without really thinking about it, I threw my shoes away as well as my bag and sprinted out of the house to my mum. She and Robert sat on our garden chairs and drank lemonade. 
“Hey little girl”, Robert smiled at me, but when he saw my expression his smile faded. “Are you alright? You look a little stressed out.” Stressed out?, I thought. Well that was a nice way to put it. 
“Robert, be honest, did you gave me this necklace?”, I asked him. I didn't care if I was rude right now or not, I didn't want to talk around the bush, I wanted to know what these people at Starbucks were talking about. Could it be true what they said? No, it couldn't be. These thoughts lingered in the back of my mind and I wanted to know what was going on, right now.
“What necklace?”, he asked confused. What? What did he mean what necklace? He knew what necklace, he had to! He bought this necklace for me, I remembered him buying me this necklace!
“The one I'm wearing, the wing with the sapphires”, I explained almost pleadingly. God, please Robert remember you bought this for me two years ago! But he didn't.
“Oh, that necklace. No, Ivan gave it to you last year, when you turned sixteen. What did he say again?”, Robert asked my mum. But I didn't quite hear him. As he spoke those words my blood ran cold and I felt like I was drowning. No, Ivan gave it to you ...I looked pleadingly at my mum, begging her with my eyes to tell Robert he was wrong, but again she didn't. She seemed to think about something, then she laughed lightly and grinned at Robert. 
“I remember”, she said. “He said he bought it for her, because she was his angel, just without wings, and that her eyes always reminded him of sapphires. The necklace was for you, so you wouldn't forget him, I think that were his words.” She looked a bit unsure and looked at Robert, he nodded in confirmation and both smiled at me. 
No, no, no! This couldn't be true, it just couldn't! I mean it wasn't like I didn't remembered that guy, that Ivan, I just didn't know him! I knew who gave this necklace to me, I didn't forget it, I knew. I remembered everything, there weren't any holes in my memory. My sixteen birthday for example, I remembered it and there wasn't some guy named Ivan who gave me this stupid necklace!
“No”, I shook my head. “No, this isn't true. You gave me that necklace. You bought it for me, two months after being back.” I desperately wanted him to tell me, that it was exactly like that, and that this all was just a joke and he didn't knew a guy named Ivan. 
“Hey, what's wrong?”, my mum asked alarmed and stood up. Her smile faded and she looked worried. Her eyes darted from one of my eyes to the other, again and again. “Aria, what's wrong?”
“R- Robert bought me that necklace”, I repeated, more for myself to hear, than for my mum. “Robert bought it for me.” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to clear everything. When I opened my eyes again, Robert and my mum stood in front of me, looking really worried.
“Honey, Ivan gave it to you”, my mum shook her head, but I didn't want to hear this. I didn't know Ivan! 
“M- My dad gave me this necklace!”, I cried pleadingly. “My dad, I don't know an Ivan! My dad bought it. My daddy!”
“Aria, Aria”, Robert tried to stop me from shouting. He came to me and took my hands in his bigger ones. “Shhh, calm down, little girl.”
He let go of my hands and hugged me tight. I couldn't control myself any longer and began to cry. I cried into his chest, sobbed and clutched to him as if my life depended on it. 
“Honey”, my mum whispered. “What's wrong? Why do you want to believe Robert bought you that necklace?” I looked at my mum, but kept my arms around Roberts waist. 
“I- I don't know a- an Ivan. I r- remember that d- dad bought me this necklace. H- How can I remember s- something that actually never h- happened?”, I hiccuped and cried harder into my fathers chest. My mums eyes went wide and she looked at me, like I had lost my mind and maybe, just maybe, she was right. Maybe I had lost my mind ...

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